Upload pictures of your work

We love to see the work people do with Tastic Plastics. Please share. Send us a picture or two.

All submissions become the property of Tastic Plastics. We may use your picture on our website, social media, or promotional materials. If we use your picture it will be anonymous but we will notify you so if you want to take credit you can tag it on your social media.

If we do not use your picture, we thank you all the same for sharing it with us, and thank you for being part of our Tastic Plastics user community.

Sorry, you must be logged in to upload pictures.

Please reduce the size of your pictures to somewhere between 300 pixels wide to 1200 pixels wide, appropriate for websites. You may upload multiple pictures. A how-to sequence is always appreciated. Each picture should be less than 500 KB in file size, which if you use the recommended size, it surely would be.