
Tastic Plastics are sold as an open source intellectual excercise. Any invention or constructions employing Tastic Plastics may not be patented such that other practictioners would be precluded from employing similar methods or building similar structures. You may make a business out of what you can make with Tastic Plastics, but you can’t stop others from building with Tastic Plastics.

The seller does not warrant that Tastic Plastics will be suitable for any particular application. The user/practitioner should determine how best to employ Tastic Plastics to meet their objectives.

Lengths specified are approximate. Machine cutters are fairly accurate but may be off by an 1/8″ or so.  The machine cut is sometimes ragged, so if you trim it smooth your net length may be a little shorter.

See FAQ file for additional product disclaimers.


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